Friday, 29 November 2019


The target I'm trying to program is a Zynq No such file or directory What I should do to install driver correctly? If it does be patient as depending on the software version it might have to install 2 or 3 drivers in a row before you can use it. You can improve your answer by providing instructions for downloading and installing. All I can see is that it is connected to localhost 0. xilinx platform cable usb ii dlc10 driver

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Age-wise that's around the level of Ubuntu 9.

xilinx platform cable usb ii dlc10 driver

Posted December 6, This will solve the immediate build problem, but the WinDriver still won't build properly. It sounds as something happened to the cable's USB driver. Already have an account?

xilinx platform cable usb ii dlc10 driver

The command to get it is:. Depending on the device you're going to be working with, you need to pick a version of the LabTools that is at least Anyway, it's working now!! Then I see output in impact that says:.

Platform Cable USB II

It only takes a minute to sign up. The only known working solution I've found is to also install a newer version of the Xilinx LabTools platfork manually install the cable drivers from that.

Then I see output in impact that says: For your specific build problem the installer is trying to build a driver.

I have also tried these but no luck either. Hi jpeyronThanks for your quick reply. How to reduce the bill of material costs with Digital Signal Processing.

| platform cable usb II problem

Well now when we connected it with the target board the led keeps on glowing with amber color but no green color. Introduction to Microcontrollers Mike Silva. All I can see is that it is connected to localhost 0. I guess it's a driver issue or am I on the wrong track!? By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Caable of Service. The above answers did not work for me, the following was the simplest and is based on what the guys at arch linux did https: The target I'm trying to program is a Zynq GUI Auto connect to cable You can improve your answer by providing instructions for downloading and installing.

Posted December 5, Suseela Budi Suseela Budi 1. Asked 2 years, 11 months ago. You drivr need to set the following env variable after sourcing a settings file. Still I wonder how it had worked a month before when I used it for first few times with the ise9.

Xilinx usb cable drivers

I type this command in terminal sudo. That doesn't work either. Here is the current driver setup: I think ubuntu In order to do so, it needs the kernel source for your currently running kernel to build against.

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